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Unread postby xhippie » Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:07 pm

много се радвам да ви покажа моята гръцка приятелка която е успяла да се снима с Мурат в театъра
Imageмоят поздрав за нея Image
Imageс този гиф приключвам репортажа от днес [iconmelek.gif]
Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby xhippie » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:38 am

Добро утро! По едно голямо кафе с усмивка, какво по-хубаво за начало на неделята [107.gif]

Мари разказа за срещата си Мурат, че е очарована от него, че е много мил и усмихнат, изглеждал щастлив, че е сред хора които ценят него самия и работата му.
Освен това изглеждал много по-млад отколкото на екрана в ролите си.

забавен уикенд Image
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=p ... TyI0#t=160
phpBB [media]
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x13mxs ... ws?start=3
Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby xhippie » Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:54 am

естествено след Мурат и Туба е на дневен ред в гръцката преса
турските актриси в броят от вчера
Imageи съответните колажи [smeese.gif] ImageImage

ето още една не много сполучлива снимка но е на много щастлива фенка в театъра, която е седяла на 5м от Мурат поговорила е с него и му е пожелала да играе натази сцена,
снимала се е с него, като й подал ръка внимателно за да застане до него, тя е очарована от него и също твърди, че е много по-млад от екранните си представяния
Image с репортера AXILLEA SAKKA Image
Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby xhippie » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:17 pm

туитове на Туба
единия е приказка за морската звезда

Някъде, далеч от тук, на брега на океана, един възрастен човек правеше своята обичайна разходка по плажа на залез слънце. До неотдавна бе бушувала страшна буря. Небето преливаше от ярко червено в оранжево, а вълните, сякаш вече уморени, нежно галеха брега. Възрастният човек се наслаждаваше на гледката, с удоволствие вдишваше морския въздух, който сега изглеждаше сякаш още по-чист.
Беше се замислил за нещо свое, може би много важно нещо, когато забеляза по-нататък на плажа едно дете, което взимаше нещо от пясъка и после го хвърляше във водата. Възрастният човек предположи, че това е може би по-различно от игра и воден от любопитството си се запъти към детето. Когато приближи, той забеляза, че момчето взима изхвърлените от бурята на брега морски звезди и ги хвърля обратно в океана. Едва сега старецът забеляза, че целият плаж бе обсипан със стотици, може би хиляди морски звезди.
Момчето сякаш не го забелязваше. Старецът си помисли нещо и попита:
- Какво правиш? Ти си само едно малко момче и не би могъл да промениш нещата?!
Момчето го погледна, взе една морска звезда от пясъка, хвърли я в океана и каза:
- Ами аз току що промених нещата за тази морска звезда!

вторият е мисъл на Волтер
Несправедливостта накрая довежда до независимост.
Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby xhippie » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:48 pm

Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby Vanja » Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:42 am

[uhu] Добро утро!
Пак е понеделник. [dash3.gif] Не знам защо се събудих с усещането, че е неделя. [f205c7259ed599b7b20bc2a63d8780c2.gif]
И аз искам силно кафе. [morning1.gif]
Какви хубави новини. [uraa] Хипи вече е във ваканция [vacation1.gif] [surfing.gif] и ни е засипала с красоти и информация от посещението на Муци в Гърция. fhoto [gdance.gif] [236.gif]
Пожелавам ви успешна седмица и шефът да е като този. [girl_in_love.gif] [smileys-kisses-067969.gif]
Image Image

Графа, Любо и Орлин - Заедно
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Unread postby xhippie » Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:16 am

Добро утро, Ванче, за пръв път успиването ми не се брои за успиване [smeese.gif]
мерсаж за кафенцето и спорна работна седмица
Image Image Image Image [smeese.gif]

а пък аз Image

още инфо ще излиза за момчето, аз толкова усмихнат не съм го виждала до сега, той просто грее [404.gif]
Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby xhippie » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:56 pm

Малко Демир за разнообразие [smileys-kisses-738604.gif] Image

кратко интервю http://bizznews.gr/mono-sto-bizznews-gr ... a-ellinika
Murat Yildirim : ‘’I don’t think that I could manage to play a role in Greek’’
26 август 2013 г. в 17:10

After the invitation he had from the UNESCO Argolidas,which is supported by the national organization, he came with purpose to speak about the book that is prepared in this period of time called ‘’Murat Yildirim..Bridge of Cultures’’…It’s about a travelogue at the monuments of the World’s Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in Greece, but also in Anatolia,where he grow up the charming actor. He is very friendly and available for conversation,enjoy the interview!

J: How did your career start for you on TV while your studies were absolutely different?

M.Y: I was interested with the theatre while I was studying at the college.We had a theatre there and I remember that I saw one performance of Shakespeare which influenced me a lot and so to be interested on it.

J:Did your family support you in that decision even if they knew that the things in this branch are difficult?

M.Y:At first it was like a hobby.They didn’t have the ability to follow me at the theatre.It was the first time that they saw me on the TV and they support me until now.They had no problem with my choice.

J:Your first role came easily from an effort or at random?

M.Y:At first,I was interested in comedy, but my first role was in tragedy. When I started to perform everyone was laughing with me,so I was laughing as well.(laugh) But then I started to exercise in each role I had. J:In Greece, your roles at ‘’Asi’’ and ‘’Love and Punishment’’ showed big success.

J: How much did this fact influence your life? Did you take advantage of this?

M.Y: Not at all, it didn’t influence me on personal level. Of course, you can add some things for your personal life, your choices, but this doesn’t mean that with your role you will continue to be like this in your real life. There is a difference between the role and Murat.

J: Do you take care of keeping your personal life away from publicity?

M.Y: Of course. They are absolutely different things. Sometimes you bring the problems of work at home, but this doesn’t happen always.

J: How much time does a filming take?

M.Y: The scenes are a bit difficult. A filming lasts 90 to 100 minutes. This happens at no country worldwide. I’m trying everyday to do my best.

J: If you had a suggestion to play at a greek serial, will you accept this?

M.Y: I haven’t thought about it, but I don’t think I would make it. If I was playing a Turkish role I would make it for sure, but I would find a difficulty to play a greek role.

J: What’s your secret of your success? M.Y: There are several reasons, it’s difficult to put them in order and tell this and that, but the fact that I am very close with my family helps me a lot and I always have their help.

J: In our country you have a big fan club with young girls and big women. How do you get this love?

M.Y: It’s nice to be loved and this is my power. I will continue to do my best and I hope they will keep loving me.

J: Tell us something about the book which is being prepared this period of time, with title ‘’Murat Yildirim..The bridge of cultures’’.

M.Y: It’s about a travelogue at the monuments of the World’s Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in Greece,but also in Anatolia.

J: Which are your goals?

M.Y: We are at the beginning and at the studies. I hope everything will be okay… but of course when it will be completed I will give you a clearer answer.

J: Let’s close our conversation with your favorite phrase in greek.


Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby xhippie » Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:58 am

да сложа още едно интервю направо с бг суб, благодарение на КЕИИ
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x13pvl ... ws?start=3
гъркините праведоха малко по-различно някои части от интервюто, например че това което му е харесало за ядене
е мусака с патладжани и сос бешамел и спанак с ориз [smeese.gif]

ама направо съм в шах, да не би да е вегатарианец,
аз съм цар на постните маджи, такива мусаки мога да му извъртя [crazy.gif]
обаче сос бешамела ще трябва той да го направи [1395720p03h8lv6k0.gif] и като падне едно ядене ела да видиш как ще се омажем със заливката [smeese.gif]

другото за жените гъркините казват че е извъртял въпроса и казал, че не вида бил важен, защото вида можел да се промени,
важен е характера и да бъде уверена...

ма няма грижа, ако иска ще съм руса, ако иска чернокоса, каквато иска такава
и характера ще го догодим, такъв огън ще го гори, че няма да се сети за благоверната си нивгаш,
от зор и кебапчета ще прояде и шопска салата с гроздова, той само соса да си прави за друго няма да има грижа,
като иска уверена жена, уверявам го отсега да си знае - матрака ми е пухен, като потъне в него няма излизане [smeese.gif]

убавец ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 8725_n.jpg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 8032_n.jpg
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 358&type=1
http://www.medyaninsultanlari.com/magaz ... sini-kapti

MURAT YILDIRIM visited Greece following UNESCO’s invitation (Club of Argolida) for the purposes of announcing the writing of a book. This books aims to draw a trail among World Heritage Monuments in the area of Argolida (Mykines, Tiryntha, Epidaurus), passing on the torch to the endless course of imparting the spirit of the Greek civilization and the civilization on the opposite side of the Aegean Sea.

Similarly to times when big waves of immigrants were inspired by the source of light from homeland in order to keep alive the flame of Civilisation, likewise today, the trail continues and reaches the World Heritage Monuments of Anatolia coming to life through the biography of the famous and distinguished actor Murat Yildirim. Borders open up in the name of world Peace and reconciliation of people and nations through Art. Through knowledge and life experiences, an intercultural communication and the cluster of our heterogeneous world, we are invited to lead a successful life path, to comprehend, to appreciate the diversity as well as manage our controversies according to the values of pluralism and mutual understanding.

The title of the book testifies to the above... ‘Murat Yildirim – Bridge of Civilizations’ ... so that we learn to build and cross bridges and live together.

Murat Yildirim arrived at the airport of Eleftherios Venizelos on the Turkish Airline flight 1841 at 00:15, accompanied by his agency’s PR representative Mrs Meltem Aras. Upon his arrival he was met by photo reporters and TV channels’ journalists. Then, he was transferred to a central hotel in Athens.

The next morning he visited ‘Floga’ and the Parents Association of Children with Neoplastic Cancer where he had the opportunity to meet with Mrs Tryfonidou, the Director of the Association as well as some of the children who were there. Later, he was interviewed by media, had lunch and walked around Plaka, Monastiraki, the area of the Acropolis and Kolonaki. Following that, he met with fans, had a coffee and spent time talking with them. In the evening, he had dinner at the house of the Turkish Consul-General and he concluded his evening enjoying himself at a seafront club.

The next day he was transferred to Nafplio where he took part in a press conference in relation to the writing of the book, had lunch and in the evening he attended a cocktail kindly offered by the Mayor of Epidaurus. Also, he had the opportunity to meet with members of Athens Festival and people involved in the performance. In the evening, he attended the play of the ancient tragedy ‘Trojan Women’ of Euripides which he already had the opportunity to read in Turkish and therefore could follow without difficulty. The same night, he returned to Athens and the next morning he left at 10:05 flying back to Istanbul.

We hope to see him back in our country soon.
Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby ivcheto83 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:19 pm

[tiptoe.gif] [tiptoe.gif] [tiptoe.gif] [tiptoe.gif] [tiptoe.gif]

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Unread postby galiateneva82 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:53 pm

Ако един мъж не може да накара една жена да се усмихва, да се чувства щастлива и желана, значи или не я обича истински или не е никакъв Мъж !!!
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Unread postby xhippie » Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:58 am

Imageдобро утро, колко бързо минава времето когато има прелестни дни и новини
някой тук се е промъквал на пръсти [smeese.gif] и е отмъкнал едно езиче [e085.gif]
хелоу Ивчето [smileys-kisses-738604.gif]
хич не е до работа, Гале, като има вести за момчето, но пък ти го носиш винаги със себе си :heart2: Image
хубав ден [smileys-kisses-067969.gif] Image
Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby xhippie » Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:51 pm

Гале, нищо не казваш по въпроса за [shower.gif] ще си ходим немити вече,
от 01,09 Бергюзер ще е рекламно лице на Пантен спечелила е договор само за 1млн долара годишно
от яд ще си обуя гащите наобратно [smeese.gif]
Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby galiateneva82 » Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:12 am

Image http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG33Y9oZ ... RvQGF8Dqig
от яд ще си обуя гащите наобратно [smeese.gif]

[smeese.gif] [28326_842.GIF] [smeese.gif] това не го знаех

Ей разкри ме [smeese.gif] знам аз, ама си мълча, как немити, тя цяло лято се къпе в морето [smeese.gif] несресани е неепилирани [smeese.gif]

Иначе гащите са супер [107.gif]


Приятна вечер [iconmelek.gif] Image
Ако един мъж не може да накара една жена да се усмихва, да се чувства щастлива и желана, значи или не я обича истински или не е никакъв Мъж !!!
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Unread postby xhippie » Sun Sep 01, 2013 2:37 am

ма къв е готин брадясал и с тъмни цаки [947811.gif]
от [shower.gif] взимам пример и отивам да се изкъпя в морето и аз [smeese.gif]
весела седмица с още много новини и красоти [smileys-kisses-067969.gif]

и вече е септември, трябва и зимнината да се стяга [cooking1.gif]
спец за Ванчето календарче от кухнята
Ако разтвориш доверчиво ръце, ще разбереш кой иска да те прегърне и кой – да те прикове към кръста.
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Unread postby galiateneva82 » Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:51 am

Добро утро, да пийнем по кафенце Image и да го почваме [3494584f.gif] Image

Ако един мъж не може да накара една жена да се усмихва, да се чувства щастлива и желана, значи или не я обича истински или не е никакъв Мъж !!!
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Unread postby galiateneva82 » Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:54 pm

Още снимки [947811.gif] [melting2.gif]


Murat with a fan from Georgia, who lives in Geneva and in summer she visits her hometown. She was incidentally sitting with Murat at (the same) table, both invited in a wedding. She told him about the great love they have for him and Turkish series in Georgia and Tbilisi especially. She has been very happy when Murat agreed to have a photo with her!!! She says that, it’s great for any person, at any time, to live such a pleasant and unexpected moment.

https://www.facebook.com/MuratYildirimG ... ion=stream
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... t=1&ref=nf

http://gecce.com/foto-galeri/unluler/un ... -secti?p=3
http://www.oyuncularsitesi.com/haber/di ... secti.html
Ако един мъж не може да накара една жена да се усмихва, да се чувства щастлива и желана, значи или не я обича истински или не е никакъв Мъж !!!
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Unread postby galiateneva82 » Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:03 pm

Извинявайте за поредните постове [f205c7259ed599b7b20bc2a63d8780c2.gif] [cdb3f84874e6e716fb235bfc74ea2d5c.gif]

Но е неустоим [melting2.gif] Image
тука вече се съблича [cdb3f84874e6e716fb235bfc74ea2d5c.gif] ImageImage

много готин [3494584f.gif] красота неземна [melting2.gif] Image

Ако един мъж не може да накара една жена да се усмихва, да се чувства щастлива и желана, значи или не я обича истински или не е никакъв Мъж !!!
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Unread postby galiateneva82 » Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:26 am

Добро утро [817284.gif]

Мурат е ходил на сватба на египетски принц Image

http://sinematelevizyonlifestyle.com/20 ... -istanbul/

http://ekonomi.milliyet.com.tr/son-misi ... efault.htm
Murat attended the wedding of Prince Mohammed Ali, son of the exiled king of Egypt Fuad2, who was married with Princess Noal, the granddaughter of Afghan King Zahir, at the Çırağan Sarayı. In the wedding, a whirling dervish show was attended by the 200 guests, who visited Topkapı Sarayı in Istanbul and many other historical places. King’s daughter Princess Fevziye, accommodated the guests on board, in a tour to Bosphorus. Among the guests was the actor Murat Yıldırım, whose series are breaking attendance records in the Middle East and Selma Türkeş, a friend of Princess Fevziye

Англ.превод на интервюто за списание MY TV [uraa]

Murat Yıldırım’s interview with ‘MY TV’ magazine English Translation
The book, being written by the lawyer and vice president of UNESCO  World Heritage Site of Argolis Liana Nikolaidou and the professor of Literature at Metropolitan College of London Mariene Benekou, intends to guide the reader to the world heritage monuments of Argolis (Mycenae, Tiryns, Epidavros) giving the baton, to the perpetual route of spreading Greek spirit and civilization to the opposite shores of Aegean Sea. Through the biography of the 34 year old famous Turkish actor, the borders open, in the name of world peace and reconciliation of people. On Friday, 23 August 2013 at 12.00, ‘MY TV’ met with

Murat Yıldırım at a central hotel of Athens and talked with him about this unconventional project.

‘MY TV’ : How did the cooperation with UNESCO come up?

Murat : The proposal was made to me about three months ago. At first, I was very hesitant, because I was thinking that I’m very young and I don’t deserve my biography to be written. But when they told me that all proceeds from the book would be given to children, I accepted it with pleasure.

‘MY TV’ : How do you feel that your life is going to be a bridge of culture between two nations?

Murat: Biography is something that scares me in general, because I’m not a very ‘open’ person and I don’t like speaking about myself. It’s very difficult for someone to speak about his personal life, as well as his private moments. Even more, to make them known to the public through a book. I could accept such a proposal , only from UNESCO and only for such a significant charitable purpose. If I could put a little stone in this bridge of culture between two nations, it would be a great pleasure for me.

‘MY TV’ : Have you been sensitive with children having need of substantial help?

Murat: I am sensitive with the children all over the world. I will use even my publicity, offered by my art, to be able to help children facing serious health problems.

‘MY TV’ : What’s your opinion about the culture of Greece? What are our differences and similarities?

Murat: This is the third time I’m visiting Greece and the second being in Athens. I have visited many countries around the world. It is the first time that I see a culture, having so much in common with the Turkish culture. Even though in the past, there were some differences, mainly for political reasons, between the two countries, I believe, this has changed now.

‘MY TV’ : Your wife Burçin Terzioğlu has the same opinion as you? Have you also visited Halkidiki this summer?

Murat: Of course… we had a very good time at Halkidiki. That warm welcome by the Greeks, was not only to me, because I’m famous. To be clear, in your country (Greece), it is not necessary to be ‘someone’, in order for a Greek to welcome you warmly. My friends have also been telling me the same, when visiting Greece. At Halkidiki, where we went 2-3 weeks ago with my wife, people were very hospitable and pleasant to us. It doesn’t matter for them the fact that I’m famous! They offered us hospitality and helped us a lot indeed.

‘MY TV’ : I think that this is mutual…

Murat: That’s what I also believe. There’s something in my life, that I would never forget. In 1999, when the great earthquake happened in Turkey, the first who came to help us, were Greeks. This is not incidental! It indisputably proves that all political issues, being for a long time between the two countries, have already been solved and we have gone ahead to another level.

‘MY TV’ : How do you feel that Turkish series have in Greece so great success?

Murat: I know that in Greece, during the last few years, many Turkish series have been aired. I have heard this by Greeks as well, who say that, when visiting Turkey. I believe that, this is mainly due to the fact, that also in Greece, you consider very important the institution of family, the morals and habitudes, just as happens in Turkey as well. That’s why I think, you love so much Turkish series in Greece.

‘MY TV’ : Do you know that in our country (Greece) you are the idol of many women? How do you feel about this?

Murat: Many thanks to everybody for their interest and love shown to me. I’m flattered. The truth is that, I don’t get excited with such comments. I like more being focused on my job…

‘MY TV’ : Do you feel being a star?

Murat: There are moments I feel it, I’m forced, because of my job. But in my everyday life, I live just like everyone else. Something very important to me, is the human being! I want to live my life free. I hate everything that restrains a person of growing. Of course, sometimes it would be considered as an advantage for someone, to behave like a star. I’m not interested in such issues. I care more on how I would be better as a human being and also as an actor.

‘MY TV’ : Tell me about your childhood. How does your biography start?

Murat: I was born on 13 April 1979 in Konya, Turkey. I have lived there till I was fourteen. After that, my parents moved to Adana, where all the family followed. I have two sisters. I’m the second child. My younger sister studies at Koç University and my older sister is a teacher. I had a very good childhood, because my father was a teacher. Further details in the book…

‘MY TV’ : Would you participate in a Greek series?

Murat: This summer at Halkidiki, I had the opportunity to watch some series on Greek TV and some parts of plays. Of course, since theater has started in Greece, I would be very happy to participate in a performance, in the case that, such a proposal would be made, because Greece has very remarkable artists, actors…

‘MY TV’ : Would you like to play at Epidavros?

Murat: I would like to play at Epidavros, although I don’t know if I can handle it…

‘MY TV’ : It is heard that you are one of the most well paid actors in Turkey. I don’t know if this is true. What's your relationship with money?

Murat: My relationship with money isn’t so good (laughing). Of course, I grew up in a family, in which, my father was a teacher and my mother was at home, she didn’t have a job, so I can say that, in a way, I had a lack of money! Nevertheless, money doesn’t matter to me much. Regarding to the amounts have been heard, since the Turkish series and especially those, which I have participated in, have been aired to 70-80 countries worldwide, all these mean a profit in favor of the production company. The money coming from abroad is being shared proportionately. Showbiz industry is huge in Turkey and since, series are commerce, there is a proportionate reward for all the actors.

‘MY TV’ : Where do you spend most of your money? What's your passion?

Murat: On vacation with my wife… (laughing).

‘MY TV’ : Is it easy to live with an actress?

Murat: For me it’s very easy, because you don't have to explain anything, since the other knows who you are and what you are doing. There is an understanding.

‘MY TV’ : When you got married, you were at a highlight of your career. At that time, you could drift by fame, money, but you preferred to settle down. You always were in favor of marriage? Didn’t you be afraid of disappointing your fans?

Murat: These are everyone personal choice and you can’t predict anything. I got married when I was 28 years old. Life brought things on such a way, that I fell in love and decided to go ahead getting married to the woman of my life. I didn’t think of what I was losing but of what I had.. and for me that was a choice of life. Family is something good, to wake up every morning, seeing next to you the person you love.

‘MY TV’ : On a previous interview, you have said that marriage isn’t romance. After six years of marriage, do you still continue in believing that?

Murat: Of course there’s romance in a marriage… it couldn’t be different. But it isn’t only romance. When you make the decision to get married, you have to lay aside romance, for a while… and bring forth logic, but later it comes again in your life. There couldn’t be a marriage without any romance.

‘MY TV’ : So, doesn’t marriage kill love?

Murat: This depends on the person, on how you know yourself, on how you know the other, on how the other knows you, on what you expect from life. It doesn’t kill… it exists in everyone.

‘MY TV’ : Let’s go now, to the bad side of publicity. Do you leave media and paparazzi to interfere to your daily life, your relation with your wife?

Murat: The truth is that we are a little careful on where we go, what we do, but up to there. In general, I have neither a very good relationship with this mechanism, with the bad, as you have said, side of publicity, nor I’m affected on such a way, to feel limited or afraid of doing something. Paparazzi prevent me of continuing with my life. I don’t even think of it, I keep on normally…

‘MY TV’ : Were you always so down-to-earth and philosophized in your life?

Murat: I’m very happy with my life. It may seem that I have put my life in some boxes, by the way I answer to the questions, but this is my life. I’m not answering on this way, because I have to. It depends again on the person and his choices. This is me and I do like it.

‘MY TV’ : Have you done something extreme in your life or did you always have good measure ?

Murat: I have certainly done… It’s quite normal and I may keep on doing, since I’m young enough. I got married 28 years old and before that I had some years in university, so I have done many crazy things, at that time also… and now I keep on living with my wife…

‘MY TV’ : Which do you like more theater, television or cinema?

Murat: I mostly like cinema. Of course, I haven’t a great experience in this, but in the future, I wish to be tested in different projects, which would come. It’s a fact that TV series could reach many more people. The series I have participated in, have been aired in 80 countries… it’s a significant number. Everyone could watch them! It’s easier for someone to turn on his TV set and watch a series, than to go to a cinema, where he would also have to pay. He stays at home, turns on his TV set and relaxes. But I prefer cinema in my life. I’m a fan of cinema.

‘MY TV’ : Would you go to Hollywood if they made a proposal to you?

Murat: In case that a proposal would come, of course I would think of this, but in my life I don’t intend to go to Hollywood and make a movie there. I believe that an actor can show better his country, through their series and productions. Of course, there are films that have been shot in Greece and they are well known worldwide. They have shown the culture of the country abroad. This is very good! Such cooperation could also be done with my country, to show the culture of Turkey, not as commerce, as Hollywood, but having some quality.

‘MY TV’ : What title would you give to your life ?

Murat: I would say… “La vita è bella” (Life is beautiful)
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Unread postby Vanja » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:24 am

[uhu] Добро утро!
Отдавна не съм сервирала кафето. [f205c7259ed599b7b20bc2a63d8780c2.gif]
Благодаря на Хипи за календарчето. [236.gif] Отмъкнах си го веднага, но няма да правя зимнина. [kz9se9.gif]
Ивчето пак е отмъкнала едно езиче. [girl_in_love.gif]
А момчето се е барнало в бяло - точно, както го предпочита Галето. [gdance.gif]
Прави ми впечатление, че като е без Буба е не само много усмихнат, но и свободен - цъфти. [melting2.gif]
Слагаме розовите очила и ви пожелавам хубав ден, момичета. [smileys-kisses-067969.gif]
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